Solos de Granito 2022, Aveleda


SKU: 37898067742 Categories: ,

One of a fascinating pair of Alvarinho wines from Vinho Verde. Solos de Granito comes from vines grown on granite bedrock. While Alvarinho’s innate peachy character is in evidence, there are more pronounced herbal characteristics. On the palate, it is extremely pure, with long flavours, although it is leaner and lighter in texture than Solos de Xisto. Granite is both paler in colour and more resistant to weathering than schist. These attributes mean that it is not warmed as much by the sun’s heat, and vines grown over it cannot develop such deep root systems, and so can experience more water stress during dry periods. This does not generally cause problems in the Vinho Verde region, due to the significant rainfall that it receives throughout the growing season.